CJC - Cupertino Junior Chamber
CJC stands for Cupertino Junior Chamber
Here you will find, what does CJC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cupertino Junior Chamber? Cupertino Junior Chamber can be abbreviated as CJC What does CJC stand for? CJC stands for Cupertino Junior Chamber. What does Cupertino Junior Chamber mean?Cupertino Junior Chamber is an expansion of CJC
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Alternative definitions of CJC
- Catholic Junior College
- Calama, Chile
- Commission on Judicial Conduct (Washington)
- El Loa airport
- Commonwealth Jewish Council
- City of Jersey City
- Chabad Jewish Center
View 42 other definitions of CJC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CI Cura Inc.
- CANF Cure Autism Now Foundation
- CFLF Cure For Lymphoma Foundation
- CKMQ Cure Kids Montreal, Quebec
- CNY Cure-NY
- CN CuresNow
- CII Curriculum Initiative Inc.
- CUSONC CUSO - NetCorps program
- CUSOP CUSO Praires
- CDSI Custom Development Solutions, Inc.
- CITBA Customs and International Trade Bar Association
- CREDI Cuyuna Range Economic Development Inc.
- CWE/LCBNY CWE/1199 Learning Center of Brooklyn NY
- CAKFF CyArk of the Kacyra Family Foundation
- CYJSL CYJ Sprout Lake
- CYOCRF CYO Camp Rancho Framasa
- CHCCC Cypress Hills Child Care Corporation